One fall night, a small group of creative professionals met to discuss the trials and tribulations common to artists, makers, and other professional creatives. We quickly realized that all of us were profoundly burnt out. As we discussed coping mechanisms for dealing with creative burnout, the idea was born to share some of these thoughts and resources with other creatives. I mean, we could all use a little extra help in the mental health department, right?
However, the more we talked, the more we came to the conclusion that you can’t expect artists to focus on mental health if their basic human needs aren’t being met. If you look at various studies and polls, the majority of American artists make less than $20,000 a year. So the first logical step is to help artists break out of poverty. We discussed building a course to teach aspiring or struggling artists the basics of running a successful creative business, but the people who need help the most simply can’t afford to pay to take a class. So I guess we will just have to share the information for free.
And the Burned Out Creative was born!
The Burned Out Creative will be a series of blog posts and a YouTube video playlist (hosted by Sunshadeau Arts) that will provide all the basics for starting a creative business, branding, developing products, utilizing social media for marketing, and various other topics in creative business while also providing resources for mental, physical, and emotional health for artists and makers.
The project will officially launch in December. Since this is a passion project we are putting together in our free time, we are going to test out posting twice a month and see if that is sustainable.
If you haven’t yet, please consider joining our email list (that way you can get all the necessary info sent straight to your inbox) and subscribing to the Sunshadeau Arts YouTube channel, which will be hosting the project.
We simply can’t wait to start talking art stuff with you!